WOMEN TO WATCH: Nadya Hutagalung

WOMEN TO WATCH: Nadya Hutagalung

Nadya wears the Bambi silk slip dress in cinnamon


 I first met Nadya Hutagalung the eco-activist and media personality at a birthday party held at the private home of friend in Bali. I was immediately drawn to her calm aura and of course, her beauty. I was eager to find out more about her and was very impressed at what I learned, so wanted to share with you in my Women To Watch interviews the incredibly interesting life she leads as well as some of her wonderful achievements over the years.

Nadya Hutagalung spent 25 years in television, film, and fashion to become one of Asia’s leading voices in the Green Movement.

Devoting her time and voice to environmental advocacy Nadya made headlines with building one of Singapore's first eco-homes from scratch, a project that took three years. From that task grew Nadya’s favourite project www.greenkampong.com which became an online resource for anyone looking for information and news on sustainable living.

In 2013 she created an ivory reduction campaign targeted at the South East Asian audience which brought her to spend a month in Africa and Asia documenting the illegal trade and its effects. The campaign “Let Elephants Be Elephants” has seen over 8000 people to date taking the pledge against buying ivory. For her work on this campaign and her commitment to environmental activism, she was awarded The 9th Annual Infinite Merit Award by Senayan City, an honour given to individuals with contributions that are seen to bring glory to Indonesia.

She has been voted one of Singapore’s Top 20 most influential people by CNN as well as being awarded the title of Best TV Host by ELLE magazine and was voted as one of Asia’s Leading Trendmakers by Asiaweek magazine, alongside then Dalai Lama, Michelle Yeoh and Chow Yun Fatt, for her ability to inspire and fascinate

She has appeared on numerous magazine covers, fashion spreads and cover stories….and the list goes on.


Favourite cocktail?
REAL Chocolate Martini 


What I’m reading…

I am between a few books at the moment:
1) Sleeping, Dreaming and Dying. An Exploration of Conciousness with The Dalai Lama 
2) Seat Of The Soul - Gary Zukav
3) Illuminating The Path to Enlightenment - The Dalai Lama 


Favourite piece of jewellery?

A pair of recycled gold and pre loved diamond studs that I designed. 

What I’m currently working on…

I am currently working on We The Good which is a social outreach campaign to support those most affected by COVID19 by helping to tell stories and shine a light on those charities working at the front line and sharing the resources available for those who need help. We are focusing on Mental Health/Migrant Workers/Individuals and Families at Risk. 



What I’m listening to…

I deep dive on music almost every other day but on high rotation right now is a band from Ethiopia, Arat Kilo and this one song, Dou Coula just speaks to my soul. 



What I’ll be wearing this season?

In the spirit of sustainable fashion I’ll be wearing whatever I already have in my wardrobe and most likely lots of Tshirts and shorts given that we are still working from home. 


What I’m passionate about...

I am passionate about creating meaningful change in the world and encouraging everyone to move from a place of apathy to empathy. Now is the time to get off your butts, educate yourself about the realities of the world and use whatever you have to make a difference in anyway you can. No more sitting around expecting someone else to save our humanity, every single one of us plays a roll. 


Favourite beach?

Suffolk Park, Byron Bay Area. 


Favourite hotel?

Anywhere high in the Himalayas or at the Northern frontiers in Kenya. One of faves is Sarara Camp. 

Favourite flower?

Bunga Sedap Malam


Cant’ live without my…

Spiritual Guides. 



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