Kara wears the Moana silk slip dress

“Meet Kara Young, my friend, supermodel and mother of two who lives in New York City. I met Kara in the 90s when we modelled for many years all over the world. We worked hard and shared many experiences together as young women and I’m grateful 30 years later to still have her in my life.”

Gail Elliott
Co Founder + Creative Director
Little Joe Woman by Gail Elliott

What’s your favourite beach?
There are too many gorgeous beaches to mention - Barbuda, that long white beach that runs for miles in the Caribbean is one of my favourites. And there’s nothing more beautiful than the water in Greece.

What’s your star sign?
I’m a Sagittarius, opposite to Gail’s Gemini star sign!

Favourite flower?
I love those beautiful, bright Bougainvillea.

Favourite hotel?
Claridges in London, besides my own home is my favourite.

Favourite cocktail?
I’m a red wine drinker but when I’m having a splurge and want it to last I will have a Casamigos Tequila margarita - but just one. Please don’t let me have another, no matter how much I beg you!

Any favourite Little Joe Woman pieces?
I’m insane about my Spotlight beaded vest / waistcoat. I love it but am suspicious that one of my six sisters has lifted it. I’m also eyeing that foxy Rock With Me leather jacket in white.

Favourite piece of jewellery?
I adore earrings and the bigger the better.

Memories of your favourite event / dinner party and why?
I love a wedding, I must say. I hosted one for my nephew and it was outdoors on my yard in Upstate New York. His brides family came over from Norway and his family came from Los Angeles and the culture mix was magic - pre pandemic.

What are you reading?
For myself I just finished the Rose Code by Kate Quinn, an account of the women of Bletchley Circle. It was fascinating and I knew very little about that time. With my teen I read all his required reading so we can discuss. At the moment we’re reading Red Scarf Girl about Mao and a teen girls experience with communism.

What are you listening to?
Bossy - Kelis.

What’s your fashion style?
I like very simple figure flattering clothes. I don’t care what’s in. I flaunt what’s good and camouflage what’s not as good!

Favourite photographer?
Right now my favourite is New York photographer Nick D’Orazio. He cares about lighting and energy - and is kind to women of all ages in his photos. He’s so positive and I love what he does.

What are you working on?
Right now my kid is ready to go to boarding school so we’ve been touring, interviewing and writing essays…and I can’t wait until it’s over.

Any secret talents?
I do makeup and have always loved painting the ladies. I do it for all my friends and occasionally for photoshoots.

What have been your quarantine saviours?
I think I would just have gotten an even fatter ass than I do without my katotrainmeplease Zoom exercise. Definitely watching great TV shows like Yellowstone, Beforeigners and The One are some of my favourites. And my dogs - being able to run them and play with them outside has been a saviour.

Can’t live without?
I can’t and don’t want to live without my two sons and my husband. They make me feel grand.

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