“Meet Helena Christensen the impossibly beautiful Danish supermodel, photographer, close friend and one of my bridesmaids, who lives in New York, loves to swim in freezing cold rivers and loves cheese.”
Gail Elliott
Co Founder + Creative Director
Little Joe Woman by Gail Elliott
What's your favourite beach?
The beach in front of my little cottage in the North of Denmark

Favourite piece of jewellery?
My Strangelove gold necklace pendant with our perfume oil in it
What are you listening to?
King Krule, Flume, Wiki, Glass Animals, Depeche Mode, Kid Cudi, Cut Copy

What are you reading?
Sean Penn's Bob Honey Who Just Do Stuff

Favourite flower?
Favourite Hotel?
La Colombe d'Or St. Paul De Vence
Favourite cocktail?
White Russian
What's you'll be wearing this summer?
Vintage Dresses, Staerkandchristensen booties and Staerkandchristensen X Paredeyewear
Can't live without?
My son and dog
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